All you need is Love

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

North Carolina

We recently went to North Carolina for a couple of days.  What a wonderful trip it was.  I was so blessed to spend  time with family members I haven't seen for a long time.   I've been wanting to visit North
Carolina since we moved here.  It is my ancestral home on my fathers side.  In fact if my great great great grandpa hadn't made a bad choice in his life I could of been born there. We visited my great great great great uncle Caleb D. Bradhams (the inventor of Pepsi) grave and drug store where he invented Pepsi ( see Sarahs blog The Sarah and Michael Story for his history  The drugstore is now a tourist site now with lot's of Pepsi history.  It was interesting the feeling I felt as I stood in the drugstore I felt close to family it was a special feeling. Caleb was a very honorable man who did many great things with his life he stands as an inspiration for our family.  We also decided to go to Kitty Hawk on a whim.  The drive was beautiful. We got to drive over Roanoke Island where the lost colony lived until they were lost lol!  (that lol was for you Emily)  It was weird to drive along and see signs that said watch for bears next 7 miles when you are used to" watch for deer."  We didn't see any bears but I was watching for them.   I'll leave you with the things here I learned about North Carolina;
     The beaches are O.K.   California is still better
     Carolina barbecue is  O.K.  I like the other kind better.
     I have awesome family  (I have to say I do like Coke better than Pepsi sorry Uncle Caleb)
     North Carolina has some really cool cities I want to go back and visit.
     You can go hang gliding in Kitty Hawk and of course Dennis wants to  Hmm I don't know about that!
I want to explore up north next perhaps Vermont.
Nags Head North Carolina
Uncle Calebs drug store where he invented Pepsi
I got to spend time with Cheyenne one of the highlights of my trip

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


O.k. I know many of  you read the title and said it is about time!   Sorry to disappoint its not that kind of therapy LOL!.  It's therapy for my knee.  I went with great anticipation knowing that the therapist would say how wonderful I am doing!  Because I have been doing everything the doctor said and I am  tough so I know the therapist is going to praise me for doing so wonderful.    No chance, she said I have had a set back.  What the heck! No way she did not say that!  Happy Valentines Day!  (that was all my random thoughts going through my head plus a lot of screaming)  I am calmed down now.  I have always been able to bounce back quickly from every challenge I have been faced with especially physical!  Maybe the therapy isn't just for my knee maybe it is for my life perspective.  This therapy will help get my knee back over the next few weeks but I think more important it will help me rethink the rest of my life and what  direction I need to be headed in and the important things I need to be focusing on.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Funeral Insurance

Before my body started falling apart last year I used to think of myself as one of those people who always felt younger than I was supposed to be my mantra was the song "Whats my age again" by Blink 182  not all the stuff in the song just the theme of it.  But lately since the knee surgery I have really been set back and now I feel older than I am.  Just ask Sarah I have been complaining enough about it, my hair my weight everything is on a downward spiral.  So I had my pity party for most of last week and yesterday I was starting to feel a little better about things, then it happened the mail came.  In the stack of letters was a letter from a company saying I qualified for funeral insurance and that someone at my age should seriously consider it so my death wouldn't be a burden on my family! Yikes!!!  Am I really that old?   Here I go again the pity party is now on once more!!!! Funeral insurance really?