All you need is Love

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Funeral Insurance

Before my body started falling apart last year I used to think of myself as one of those people who always felt younger than I was supposed to be my mantra was the song "Whats my age again" by Blink 182  not all the stuff in the song just the theme of it.  But lately since the knee surgery I have really been set back and now I feel older than I am.  Just ask Sarah I have been complaining enough about it, my hair my weight everything is on a downward spiral.  So I had my pity party for most of last week and yesterday I was starting to feel a little better about things, then it happened the mail came.  In the stack of letters was a letter from a company saying I qualified for funeral insurance and that someone at my age should seriously consider it so my death wouldn't be a burden on my family! Yikes!!!  Am I really that old?   Here I go again the pity party is now on once more!!!! Funeral insurance really?


  1. Ha, too funny! Keep up the perseverance, this will be over soon.

  2. Haha! You oldie! Don't worry, you'll get better!

  3. Have you joined AARP yet? No? You're just a baby then. No worries! :)

  4. Haha mom, you're funny!! It's not a real pity party though because there is no chocolate . . . or sugar actually.

    But, really you've barely reached the top of the hill, so unless someone's going to push you down the rest of the way I don't think you should worry yet. ;)

  5. i think of you being my age! :)

    funny post! miss you

  6. I think of you being my age too. Oh wait, that is about how old you are! :)

    Seriously, I know how you feel. I was in the same boat (always felt younger than my age - in better shape than all my siblings, etc.), but now I have some numbness in my legs, etc. etc. However, I find I can still do so much of what I want to do, and I see so many others who really can't. We just need to be grateful I think and enjoy what we can accomplish with these slightly aged bodies.

    By the way, happy birthday!

  7. This is way too funny! Funeral insurance? Seriously? I think they're just trying to get you young!
