All you need is Love

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


O.k. I know many of  you read the title and said it is about time!   Sorry to disappoint its not that kind of therapy LOL!.  It's therapy for my knee.  I went with great anticipation knowing that the therapist would say how wonderful I am doing!  Because I have been doing everything the doctor said and I am  tough so I know the therapist is going to praise me for doing so wonderful.    No chance, she said I have had a set back.  What the heck! No way she did not say that!  Happy Valentines Day!  (that was all my random thoughts going through my head plus a lot of screaming)  I am calmed down now.  I have always been able to bounce back quickly from every challenge I have been faced with especially physical!  Maybe the therapy isn't just for my knee maybe it is for my life perspective.  This therapy will help get my knee back over the next few weeks but I think more important it will help me rethink the rest of my life and what  direction I need to be headed in and the important things I need to be focusing on.


  1. You've always been a really good example to me of somehow that is strong even in the hard times! I think you're doing a great job trying to stay positive and persevere!!

  2. That first couple sentences made me LOL :) You are great!!
