All you need is Love

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Even the Energizer Bunny needs a rest!

I have been thinking a lot about my life and how it has taken an 360 degree turn since January!  I have always been a go getter life on turbo speed.  I always did things all or nothing.  I was given repeated warnings through my life to slow down especially with my running.  I was told to mix the running up with weight lifting and other low impact exercises I didn't listen for me running was the only way every thing else was boring!  I was the same at work turbo speed every day!  I was even given the name Energizer Bunny by one of my managers a few years ago!  Well I didn't listen and here I am not able to do anything now but upper body weight lifting how ironic.

At first I was really bitter about the whole knee blowing out thing it was so hard to grasp all it meant.  I am so grateful for my wonderful family and their support in keeping me sane and mostly positive through this.

There are many things I am doing now that if it hadn't been for my knee surgery I wouldn't be doing.  A few of these reading scriptures( I had sadly let that slip) sleeping ,weight lifting, yoga, writing a blog ( I never imagined doing that) being there for my family, Eating healthy,  reading , growing very long awesome fingernails ( I have never had finger nails this long in my life) there are more but the most important thing not being so stressed out from work.  When I get back to a normal routine I plan on keeping my pace even balanced and in control.  One of the things I am excited to do is take up biking there are so many country roads here that need explored! So.....thank you knee for virtually taking the batteries out of this Energizer Bunny!
This is me someday and yes that is Moab!


  1. Yay! You wrote another post!! You're amazing! I know the last few months have been hard for you, but it's going to get a lot better. I know it! And you're going to love biking in Moab someday! I love you! Thanks for your good example!

  2. great sentiments! sounds like you are wise enough to see the silver lining in the dark clouds. I miss the long run days, but there are so many other wonderful things to do...hard to find balance though!! Love you! Dee

  3. You are an inspiration (and I'm jealous of your long nails!). Recuperation is not fun but you sound like you're doing great. Have a bike yet?
