All you need is Love

Monday, April 18, 2011


I have the cutest grand daughter ever!  It is one of the things I miss about living in Virginia not being near her.  I miss being  able to be grandma and play with her and spoil her and all the fun grandma stuff.
When she was born 5 years ago Jared and Raquel happened to live in Virgina about 2 hours north of us.  I was so grateful to be there and hold her right away.  I also got to visit her several times before they moved back west.
Last year when we went to Utah for Sarah's graduation I got to spend a whole week with her then and again when we went for the wedding.  It was so fun to be grandma and she seemed to love being with me.
Cheyenne is such a sweet little girl and very smart!  I am so grateful for her wonderful parents who are doing all they can to help her be the best she can be.
What brought up this desire for me to write this:  Cheyenne called me last night out of the blue.  I think she took her moms phone and decided to call grandma.  What a surprise to hear her sweet voice on the other end say hi grandma I love you!  It was a "tender mercy" moment from the Lord!

My sweet girl

Best Friends!


Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Children

I love my children so much.  OK so I know you all know that about me.  Sometimes I just really miss them.  I don't like the thought of "empty nest."  I had that term hit me square in the face yesterday when I thought about Tyler graduating a year early from High School and leaving us!  Of course when my children leave they really leave and move across country!  I had a friend at work say to me" Mary when your kids leave you don't just push them out of the nest you drop kick them across country!"  I thought that was funny!

I remember the day Jared left for boot camp I thought my heart would burst through my chest!  I think I cried a million tears!  but I knew he was going off to do something great and wonderful for our country little did I know at the time it would involve fighting in two wars!   Then Andrew went away to do the same thing! again my heart burst!  Again I found solace in what he was doing with his life and what a great and brave young man he was.  Sarah left us next and I thought I would die without her.  I missed her everyday but I knew she was growing strong and more independent every day.  Daniel left us next first to go to Utah and then to serve the people of Tonga.  I missed him so much but was so proud of his decision to serve a mission.  His mission blessed our family so much and Heavenly Father comforted me while he was gone.  I was very blessed with Jessica staying home for a year but then she left too.  I missed her sweet personality while she was gone, again I cried! I think it took a week and Sarah coming to finally calm down.   I was blessed with comfort while she was gone with having Sarah here.

I know moving on is a natural part of life.  I just wish it wasn't so hard on mama!  I am so proud of the wonderful adults they are all becoming!  I feel like I have six best friends!  Attention my children don't forget to visit!